Wednesday, May 12, 2010


feeling lonely and dont know why will like this..):MAYBE is about my classes,is realy not so fun that I taking this course..maybe that's not I totaly freaking bad..what I want is I need friend,I wanna make new friendS with other then my life will not be so lonely,and I realy jealous people studying college together ..there got many function and activities that can join togrther,is realy so shoyk, noting one..Im getting normal life around my studies places..the feeling totally realy would not same like secondary school..well its freaking missing that joy and we get fun together..but everthing was changed now..around me the people turn horrible,proudly,sham,so easy to changed face and many realy not feeling well to keep on good terms with this kind of come I can mix into them..:(sucks..I pray God to keep me from being proud..i hate someone..its was terrible..realy realy don't understand what meaning with friend??how sad..actually in my life realy don't have so many friends.sometime wanna find a people hang out also difficult..realy so sad..Im realy getting lonely..I wonder know how people can meet new friends as it my problem?maybe is Im realy too quietly and I also know I am a people who not so easy mix into other...hmm...I think I need to change it more.. ;(sobss

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