Thursday, May 6, 2010


heee..thanks my boss give me have 2day holiday in this week 27/4 today was our half year anniversary..ilovehim...
then i can spent more time to accompany my dear:FOOYOKEYEW!!!!heee...ilovehim sooooo much:D...
i was freeking down mood recently...its around the corner that he gotta leave me away..these fews day i always keep on crying and crying...)':
for him..a guy that i loves deeply..before...we created lots of sweet memorable for,sure we will have no much time to meet each other again..emm...its damn sucks !
4/29,today is im 1st week fetching me go study today...i sit behind u...then i was non-stop crying ...but i didn't let u know...i was moodying that stupid i am.. reali unwonted u sudenly leave me far away..i look over u sit infront me..i have a feel u will leave me as soon and we cant meet always that was realy realy HURT me...:(how sad..soooooo miss u nw....hope u can always come back and see me..IMISSU..

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