Tuesday, May 11, 2010


well every things is over right now..i pay attention on my course..u also same right..u told me now u study is because of me..and u told me also your course was realy so hard right,but i can't do anything for you sucks;(u should study hard and i'll always support you(:.. u say:i was a person say real at anytime..i can spent my whole life for you...i just hope i stay beside you that always can protect you..i was thinking,how to continue till end of my life that enough for me,i was very satisfied if 1day u are my wife..this is my wishes:)its sooooo touch..
after u went to study..our relation was changed alots..we become more sweet and more care each other(: i know you reali very love me now,for sure i love you too=3
actually im realy nt a perfect girl..i having lots of bad attitude and small gases.i treat you not really good,but you never said anything and continue walk the road with me and keep on appreaciate me..everytime Im argue with you,you oso forgive me sorry dear..all is my fault...but i just wish you to know that i'm still loving you,i know i like to used bitter words for you...i regret, i know i hurted your feelings..its too many time we argue but you also never say anythings...just let me keep on scold you..but everytime after arguement you also will forgive so selfish,i didn't care your feelings at all..I have realized all my mistakes that I made and i promise u again i'll change it..i'll more appreaciate you,i'll more care you,i'll more love u,i'll more miss you forever and ever as i can..

this is my sohlou that i love him so much(:sososososo love u..

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