Monday, July 5, 2010


hrmmm...seems like many thing to do about this week..
i need attend test car on this thursday ...Im in the condition of being pressed now...very very scary..i think i need to calm down 1st ..mygod..:(((((( and i found a job last week.. the location and the timing was so confuse for me..:'( wanna cry now...the timing is already big problem then i still accept this job...because i think i must get job i dont wanna just want u give me cash dear..i must take job start from already relax around 1 month le...must hard work and get money with myself..u TOLD me we must save money start from is benefit with our future...erm..i could not think so far first ler..i wan i can take job at kl later when i finish my i must save money ler..:[ i wan i can always meet you at there..hehe..dont like now here we are getting much of suffer...bie
wuuu..the time is crash to my lesson..:'( how??what can i do now??haih...
i think .........:'( god bless me ler...ishhhhhh..sobbb...

ermmm...dunoo why i feel our relation got abit problem...but i dunno what problem between us now...hard to say out..:$ hmmm

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