Wednesday, July 28, 2010

heeeee:)my hubie...
25th,26th..u came back acompanny me 2 dayss..
very satisfied hee...
no fair at all:'((wuwuwuwuwu
we 3weeks only can meet each other 1 time
and 1 time just the short 2days only..
im so miss you honey...
haha...i wont forget this 2days
we went to golf club almost have 3 time:P
i love you teach me many thing
i love you let me understand many thing
but im just eat many food waste your money
heehe..sorry..and i make you fat back already
coz i like order many food..
and then i col u help me finish eat:P haha
i will change it..i promise..ahaha..
i will drink many water also...ehehehe..
if not u very fan me gelah:-*
this 2day was so fast over ady,u so fast leave me agn...i very miss you right now...
wo bu she de ni err...:'((i oso duno nex time when we can meet again..
gotta sleep now
my baby:)

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